Other articles

  1. Learning Electronics Basics

    This week I haven't made as much progress as I wanted, but I have learned some valuable lessons. While trying to get my ESP8266 working with SCL/SDA on the BME280, I was finding that I couldn't see the device. I was attempting to use a couple of BME280. This …

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  2. ESP Weather Station (Part 1)

    This week and last week I've been making a weather station using an ESP8266 Microcontroller. I started out using the Adafruit learning resource for this, which gives an excellent overview if you want to get everything working and don't want to customise anything. I want to customise several different things …

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  3. Touch Typing

    I haven't been very active on my blog recently, so I thought I should try to get back into it with any topic. Lately, I've been trying to work on my touch typing. After many years of following my own method for typing, I figured it would be nice to …

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  4. Dealing with Asynchronous Code

    Synchronous code is straightforward for me to understand. When you write everything, you write it in order. I know that execution always happens in the same order. When it comes to Javascript, however, code starts becoming asynchronous, meaning that it will not usually run in the same order.

    Requests to …

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  5. Certificate Manager

    For my project, I made a website to manage SSL certificates. In my current job, finding out which expiring certificates are hosted on which load balancers is one of the main problems I have. The repository for this project can be found here.

    To do this, I first came up …

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  6. The Root of Absolutely Relatively Awesome Links

    There have been some questions in the Slack in the past on broken links. This post is going to try to give a succinct explanation of different link types, and how they relate to each other for your Sinatra project and going forward with none magic frameworks such as Rails …

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  7. Device Manager

    For my Sinatra project, I am making a device manager website. This is for managing consumer routers and set top boxes in our test environment. The website meets the below requirements: * Be an MVC website. * Use ActiveRecord with Sinatra. * Have a devices, groups and users table. * Devices belong to a …

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  8. Map Shorthand

    Something I found out about recently due to using Rubocop is a shorthand for a map.

    Take the contrived example of our cheesecake instances.

    class CheeseCake
      attr_accessor :flavour, :make
    cheesecakes = []
    strawberry_cheesecake = CheeseCake.new
    strawberry_cheesecake.flavour = 'strawberry'
    strawberry_cheesecake.make = 'homemade'
    cheesecakes << strawberry_cheesecake
    raspberry_cheesecake = CheeseCake.new
    raspberry_cheesecake.flavour = 'raspberry'
    raspberry_cheesecake.make …
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  9. Getting started on your CLI Gem

    This is a step by step tutorial on getting started with your CLI gem, and how to do that using test-driven development.


    The concept of test driven development is straightforward. You write out tests before you start writing your code. You then write code to get your tests passing …

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